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For mobile devices, some of the top brands include Apple (iPhone series), Samsung (Galaxy series), Google (Pixel series), and OnePlus,Nokia, Realme, Mi etc. These companies regularly release new models with updated features and specifications.

Tablets are also dominated by brands like Apple (iPad series), Samsung (Galaxy Tab series), Microsoft (Surface series), and Lenovo. These devices often offer larger screens and more computing power than smartphones.

Smartwatches have become increasingly popular, with brands like Apple (Apple Watch), Samsung (Galaxy Watch), Fitbit, and Garmin leading the market. Smartwatches offer a variety of features including fitness tracking, notifications, and even standalone communication capabilities.

For speakers, brands like Bose, Sonos, JBL, and Ultimate Ears are popular choices, offering a range of portable, Bluetooth-enabled speakers as well as home theater systems with advanced audio technologies.

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